Friday, September 28, 2007

Dawn of Understanding

This past Wednesday, a full moon shone in the night sky. But it wasn't just any full moon--it was the Harvest Moon, so called because farmers would use the light from the Harvest Moon to illuminate fields during the fall harvest. There's more from Science@NASA. Also: every full moon of the calendar year has its own name and lore. Find out more from

Scientists working with iron ores from Australia have figured out that oxygen existed on Earth some 50 to 100 million years earlier than previously thought. Get the full story from the National Science Foundation.

The Bush Administration is now pushing for countries to curb greenhouse gas emissions, but is wonderfully vague on how exactly that should be accomplished. The latest issue of Scientific American magazine has more.

This week, NASA launched the Dawn spacecraft on a 1.7-billion-mile journey to study asteroids. What Dawn learns may completely redraw our conclusions about the formation, evolution and future of the Solar System. has a breathtaking picture of Thursday morning's launch.

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