Friday, April 4, 2008

Keeping up with the Precambrians

Here's an update on the planned presidential science debate. Organizers have still yet to hear from any of the presidential candidates, but they still hope to hold a science and techonology-themed debate involving McCain, Obama and Clinton this spring.

And on the topic of science and politics: since 1939, one person in the White House has had the formidable task of informing the president and his staff on science and technology policy. This person, the Presidential Science Advisor, has a big job and a big responsibility. Learn more about the PSA and his office from Wikipedia.

In one of the quirkier stories from the world of science, fifth-grader Kenton Stufflebeam pointed out something that escaped scrutiny for 27 years at -- of all places -- the Smithsonian Institution. An exhibit on the history of the Earth erroneously referred to the Precambrian "Era." The Precambrian, as the geology folks know, is a vast stretch of time composing some 7/8 of Earth's history, not an era by the geological definition. More details from USA Today.

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